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Current context

Here you will also find the latest news from the market in which we operate, including research, interviews, articles and everything we find in this wonderful world of being a curious startup focused on bringing the future closer to our reality.

School dropout: a serious problem that can be solved with innovation


School dropout is a SERIOUS problem that affects millions of young people around the world. In Brazil, around 2 million students drop out of school each year.

The main causes of school dropout are diverse:


  • Lack of interest: many young people do not see the point in education and do not feel motivated to study.

  • Financial difficulties: low-income families often need their children to work to help support the household.

  • Family problems: domestic violence, drug abuse and alcoholism can lead young people to drop out of school.


School dropout has devastating consequences for young people and society. Young people who drop out of school are more likely to:


  • Engage in criminal activities

  • Having mental health problems

  • Have low income

  • Being dependent on the government


The Pic Money app will help combat school dropouts

We are a platform that cares about financial education, offering courses, quizzes and other educational activities for young people. The application uses augmented reality through georeferencing to offer prizes to young people who enter schools.


This innovative approach can help attract young people to and within schools. Augmented reality prizes can be a motivation for young people who are unmotivated to study.


The Pic Money app is still in the development phase, but it has the potential to be a powerful tool in combating school dropouts.


The Pic Money app is an innovative solution that can help combat school dropouts. It is important that governments, schools and civil society organizations support the development and implementation of this application.

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The importance of financial insertion


The financial market is a dynamic and constantly evolving sector, offering investment, employment and educational opportunities for people of all ages. The inclusion of young people in the financial market is important for several reasons, including:


  • Financial education: The financial market can be a powerful tool for learning about personal finances and financial education. Young people who get involved with the financial market from an early age have the opportunity to learn about basic financial concepts, such as interest, inflation and investments.

  • Employment: The financial market is a large employer, offering employment opportunities in areas such as investment analysis, asset management and sales. Young people who qualify to work in the financial market can have a successful and well-paid career.

  • Investment: The financial market offers investment opportunities for people of all incomes. Young people who start investing early have more time for their investments to grow.


The Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) and theSão Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) have promoted actions to encourage the insertion of young people into the financial market. BACEN, for example, launched the "Financial Education for Young People" program in 2023, which offers courses and educational materials on personal finances. B3, in turn, launched the "B3 Jovem" program in 2022, which offers scholarships for financial education courses.


Increasingly wearable

According to an IDC study, the global smart glasses market is expected to grow from US$7.5 billion in 2022 to US$72.7 billion in 2026.


This growth is driven by a number of factors, including the development of new technologies, increased consumer interest and improved device comfort.


Smart glasses have growth potential, but need to be comfortable and affordable


They have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us, but they still face some challenges.


One of the main challenges is comfort. Investments in research and development regarding the design and ergonomics of devices have made them more comfortable to use for long periods of time.


Another challenge is the price. Smart glasses are still relatively expensive, which may limit their adoption by a wider audience.


As prices decrease, smart glasses will become more accessible to a wider audience.


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Everybody uses!!!

The coupon market has grown exponentially over the last decade, driven by the rise of e-commerce and the popularity of smartphones.


According to theBrazilian Electronic Commerce Association (ABComm), the coupon market generated R$7 billion in 2022, an increase of 12% compared to 2021.


For the coming years, forecasts are even more optimistic. ABComm estimates that the coupon market should generate R$10 billion in 2023 and R$12 billion in 2024.


This growth is driven by a number of factors, including:


  • The increase in the purchasing power of the population

  • The expansion of e-commerce

  • The popularization of smartphones


The coupon market is a promising market, which should continue to grow in the coming years.

Income generation


Multi-level marketing applied to the coupon market has the potential to increase the reach and visibility of coupons to a wider audience. This is because this type of marketing is based on the participants' network of relationships to promote a company's products or services.


In the case of coupons, multi-level marketing participants can share coupons with their friends, family and professional contacts. This can help increase the number of people who are aware of coupons and can use them.


Additionally, multi-level marketing can be an effective way to generate revenue for attendees. Participants can earn commissions by selling coupons to others. This can be an additional incentive for participants to promote the coupons.


According to the Brazilian Direct Sales Association (ABEVD), the sector moved R$12.3 billion in Brazil in 2022, an increase of 15% compared to 2021. This growth is expected to continue in the coming years, with the sector expected to move R$15 billion in 2023 and R$18 billion in 2024.

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The community,


TH - G&B Tecnologia is committed to sustainability and the adoption of good ESG practices.


We believe that companies have an important role to play in building a more sustainable future. Therefore, we are committing to adopt the following measures:


  • Reduce our environmental impact: we will invest in renewable energy, reduce the emission of polluting gases and promote recycling.

  • Promote inclusion and diversity: We will create opportunities for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or religion.

  • Adopt good governance practices: we will have an independent board of directors, we will promote transparency and accountability.


These commitments are important to us because:


  • It's the right thing to do: we want to leave a positive legacy for future generations.

  • They are good for our business: companies that adopt good ESG practices are more attractive to investors, customers and employees.


We are committed to working to fulfill these commitments and make TH - G&B  a more sustainable and responsible company.


Mauricio Weissberg 


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