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A technology company was born


We are a group of young and talented entrepreneurs and engineers with a revolutionary idea, which we believe will contribute to the development of the market, especially in the retailer/customer relationship. We offer an intelligent solution for companies of all sizes to attract new customers, retain potential customers and reward regulars.

At TH - G&B we believe that knowledge and technological boldness can lead companies to success.


PIC Money was born from observing young people's behavior when playing the game Pokemon Go, hunting monsters and having fun in noisy groups in squares and streets.


Why not look for real values? I asked myself, I was sitting in a cafeteria, drinking a beer and waiting for my sandwich looking at all these kids totally absorbed in something so meaningless, of course for me, a 55 year old young man.


The engagement and interaction between young people was impressive!!!

jovens procurando premios por realidade aumantada  pelo celular

Unparalleled opportunity

"This mass of people can be oriented towards whatever we want!!!" 

I saw in this behavior the opportunity to bring these young people to the streets and interact in a healthy way with their peers, simultaneously, the idea of consumption generated by this young population being on the streets andm circulation brought me the prospects of transforming this movement in favor of local commerce in a very assertive way.



Some known numbers and interest


Brazil: 90% of respondents have heard of Pokémon Go.

World: 80% of people around the world have heard of Pokémon Go.

Interests: 45% of respondents in Brazil were interested in downloading the application.

Global Interests: 60% of people around the world would like to play Pokémon Go.


Coupon Market


Global market: US$100 billion in 2022.

Brazilian market: R$10 billion in 2023.



Why can't local businesses offer freebies and discounts to these people!?

Collaborating at Work

A coupon manager was born

Two off-the-shelf technologies

From the combination of two off-the-shelf technologies, one the aforementioned Pokemon Go game and coupon and cashback managers, such as Méliuz and others, TH-G&B was born, an acronym for Treasure Hunter - Game & Banking.

Within this context, we developed the project that later became a wonderful marketing tool, combining the functionalities ofgame, coupons, sales, cashback, education and banking

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